Carl Bodnaruk AboutResearch
Linguist - Himalayan Languages

I am a doctoral student at the University of Sydney, focussing on the languages of the Himalayas. In particular, my research focusses on epistemic marking and its typology within the family. I submitted my thesis at the end of August 2024, with final revisions to be finalised at the end of 2024.

I have also conducted fieldwork on a number of different Himalayan languages. Most prominently, I have undertaken fieldwork documenting Lhokpu or Lhohtam, a largely undescribed Trans-Himalayan language spoken in south-western Bhutan, and hope to continue this fieldwork in the coming years. An early sketch of some aspects of Lhokpu grammar are available in an appendix to my doctoral thesis, with separate publications forthcoming. I have also taught field methods courses at the University of Sydney documenting Chocangaca (2022) and Bumthap (2024).

As part of my doctoral research, I collated notes on epistemic-marking systems of over 70 Trans-Himalayan languages. The resulting database is a living document which I will continue to update and add to. It is available here.